20 Kosciusko dual-enrollment students to have works published Twenty-three Kosciusko High School students' work was chosen to be published in the Write for Mississippi project and out of those 23, 20 are Holmes Community College Dual Enrollment students. These juniors and seniors submitted their work during spring of 2017 for either their dual-credit English Composition II or dual-credit American Literature II class.
The purpose of the Holmes Dual Enrollment program is to provide an opportunity for advanced high school students to earn college credit prior to graduation from high school. The students receive both high school credit and college credit for postsecondary coursework.
The organization that is publishing the students' work, Write for Mississippi, is "an umbrella organization for the conception and implementation of diverse projects that use creative writing and storytelling to further the causes of community engagement, social justice, free speech, historical responsibility and the ongoing search for truth and beauty in the state of Mississippi," according to writeformississippi.org. The organization's current project is meant to address the wide array of issues young people face today and use creative writing as a jumping-off point to bring about positive change.
Mississippi author Katy Simpson Smith organized the project and sent different authors to participating classrooms in all 82 counties across the state. Children's author Matthew Clark Smith visited Angel Chennault's classroom at Kosciusko High to present the writing workshop to one of her composition classes. The students were asked to answer the prompt, "What is a problem in your community and how could you try to fix it?" and they responded through writing a poem, essay or story. Write for Mississippi then chose the best responses to this prompt from all the different high schools and will publish them in a book that will be distributed across the state. The group from Kosciusko was also invited to attend the Mississippi Book Festival on Aug. 19.
For more information on the Holmes CC Dual Enrollment program, students should contact the dual enrollment liaison at their high school. Students must have the recommendation of their high school principal and/or counselor to participate in the program. For more information, visit https://www.holmescc.edu/departments/dual/dualenrollment.aspx.
IN THIS PHOTO: Pictured are Kosciusko High School seniors, enrolled in the Holmes Community College Dual-Enrollment program, whose work was chosen for publication I Write for Mississippi. Pictured are (front row, left to right) Katie Rodgers, Sara Bailey Jones, Max Cook, (middle row, left to right) Kestyn Williams, Hayden Mitchell, Kelly Sheets, MaKayla Montz, (back row, left to right) Britt Grace, Daniel Garland, Bailey Britt, Thomas Brunt and Trey Johnson. Not pictured: Cheyann Armstrong. Save