The Holmes Community College Culinary Arts students volunteered for the 12th Annual Leap 4 the Lily Pad (formerly Run Up for Downs) on Saturday, April 13 at the Methodist Rehabilitation Center Green Space in Ridgeland. The annual event supporting disability awareness includes a fun run, 5K run/walk, and a O.O race along with live music, food from local vendors and a kids’ zone. Holmes Culinary Arts displayed their first donut wall, built by Holmes Industrial Engineering Technology Instructor Jonathan Stokes. Funds raised from the event will support the Lily Pad Café, which will employ and train young adults with developmental disabilities to work in the hospitality industry.
So far, fundraising efforts have brought in over $600,000 to help bring The Lily Pad to fruition, and the cafe will open at some point this year. Not only will the not-for-profit restaurant employ those with disabilities; it will also focus on training individuals with disabilities to give them the work skills and confidence necessary to obtain employment with other businesses, as well. The cafe also will work with local restaurants and retail establishments so cafe employees can seamlessly transition to employment opportunities with these partners.
To learn more about The Lily Pad, visit https://thelilypadms.com/.