Goodman Campus announces 2019 Hall of Fame Pictured are the 2019 Goodman Campus Hall of Fame inductees. They are (front row, left to right) Mary Morgan Stafford, Alexis McBride, Vivian Shipp Lake, (back row, left to right) Christopher Nalls and Tyler Sylvester Sloan.
Each year, Holmes Community College faculty and staff members select the winners for the prestigious Hall of Fame. This year, the Hall of Fame inductees from the Goodman Campus included: Alexis McBride of Kosciusko, Christopher Nalls of North Carrollton, Vivian Lake Shipp of Benton, Tyler Sylvester Sloan of Choctaw and Mary Morgan Stafford of Kilmichael.
Alexis McBride of Kosciusko is a pre-nursing major and President's List Scholar. The daughter of Angela and Percy Witt, she is active on campus as an Ambassador, Student Government Association (SGA) secretary and member of Phi Theta Kappa honor society. She also serves as a MOSAIC tutor and received the MOSAIC Academic Award her freshman year.
McBride has also volunteered to work at the Holmes basketball games, and helped with other activities on campus. Upon graduation from Holmes, she plans to go to nursing school and become a Registered Nurse (RN). As she grows in her career, she'd like to become a surgical nurse.
"As a determined young women I put my all in everything I do," McBride said. "I try to help as many students as I can on campus. That is why I choose to tutor. I like to help people, and I like to be involved in all Holmes's activities."
Christopher Nalls of North Carrollton, the son of Jacqueline and Lorenzo Nalls, is a marketing major. He is extremely active on campus, serving as Holmes Marching Band Drum Major, an Ambassador, director of Voices of Praise, a representative for SGA, a lead soloist, a member of the Indoor Percussion Ensemble and a member of MOSAIC.
Nalls has participated in quite a bit of volunteer work, including work as a Goodman Breast Cancer Awareness volunteer; work as a Domestic Violence Awareness volunteer; service as a North Carrollton Holiday Committee volunteer and service as a volunteer musician at Saint Peters Church two Sundays each month.
"After finishing at Holmes, I plan to continue my education at Mississippi State University," Nalls said. "There I will pursue my master's in marketing while also studying fashion to enhance my skills with my business I opened in 2018, 'The Christivity.' I also plan to continue my career in band at Mississippi State, hoping to be Drum Major!"
Vivian Lake Shipp of Benton, the daughter of Dana and Trey Shipp, is an educational psychology major and President's List Scholar. She is a member of Phi Theta Kappa, the Holmes cheerleading squad and serves as a Math Mastery Tutoring Lab tutor. Shipp has also received the Scholar-Athlete Award and was nominated for the All-USA Academic Team.
After graduating from Holmes in May, she will attend Mississippi State University to pursue a bachelor's degree in educational psychology. After receiving that degree, she plans to further her education with a master's in speech-language pathology.
"I have chosen this field of study because I have always felt called towards a field where I can change the lives of children," Shipp said. "With this degree, I plan to work in the Mississippi school system to better the lives of children I am able to work with.
"Also, it is such an honor to be inducted into the Hall of Fame," Shipp said. "Being a part of Holmes Community College has blessed and enriched my outlook on furthering education. The teachers and staff have instilled in me the desire to help others and to never settle for anything less than the goals I have set for myself."
Tyler Sylvester Sloan of Choctaw, son of Crystal and Anthony Sloan, is a mechanical engineering major and member of the Holmes Plus Program. He is also president of Phi Theta Kappa and on leadership team for the Baptist Student Union (BSU). For BSU, he serves as Head of Missions and teaches weekly Bible studies to college students at Holmes. He also assists with local church camps, Disciple Now and has gone on quite a few mission trips, including ones to Texas, China, Cambodia and India, to name a few.
Sloan is also employed as a work-study in the Holmes Business Department and tutors Holmes students through MOSAIC. Upon graduation from Holmes, he plans to continue his degree at Mississippi State University.
Mary Morgan Stafford of Kilmichael, daughter of Debbie and Jeff Stafford, is a general studies major and President's List Scholar. As a freshman, she received the Political Science Award. Stafford is active on campus as BSU president and a Phi Theta Kappa member. As a freshman, she served as an Ambassador, member of the Chorale and member of the Holmes Connection!
Her community involvement includes working at Standing in the Gap (a community service project through Kilmichael Baptist Church), serving as a Discipleship Now and Vacation Bible School leader and serving as a short-term missionary both locally (Nashville, Tennessee; Fort Worth, Texas and Jackson) and internationally (East Asia). After Holmes, Stafford plans to attend Delta State University and pursue a bachelor's in elementary education.
"As my chapter at Holmes Community College is closing, I begin to reflect on the personal growth that has occurred in my life over the past two years," Stafford said. "While at HCC, I have been challenged and encouraged both academically and socially by the faculty, staff and my cohorts. There truly is 'No Place like Holmes.'"