Each year, Holmes Community College faculty and staff members select the winners for the prestigious Hall of Fame. This year, the Hall of Fame inductees from the Goodman Campus included: Delancy Anderson of Yazoo City, Noah Burton of Goodman, Jon Parker Jones of Kosciusko and Jenson Williams of Benton.
Delancy Anderson
Anderson is a pre-veterinary medicine major who has been on the President’s List every semester. She is also a Dean’s ACT Scholarship recipient, Cheerleading Scholarship recipient, Freshman Cheer Award recipient and winner of the Scholar Athlete Award for 2019-2020. Anderson was voted a Class Favorite as both a freshman and a sophomore. She is active on campus as a cheerleader, Phi Theta Kappa member, MOSAIC member and Baptist Student Union member. Anderson is also part of Ebenezer Baptist Church Connect. Her community involvement/service includes: Deep South Cheer Competition staff, Mosaic Student Support Services tutor, math and chemistry tutor/work-study, Holmes Cheer Stunt Clinic staff, Special Olympics staff, Major Experience volunteer, Freshman Friday volunteer and volunteering for the Goodman Tobacco Free Coalition – College Chapter.
Her plans upon graduation from Holmes are to transfer to Mississippi State University to complete her undergraduate studies in pre-veterinary medicine. Anderson plans to apply to MSU’s Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program with the hopes of being selected as 1 of the 31 students accepted. To ensure she has chosen the right field for her, Anderson has shadowed her local veterinarians in Yazoo City and Flora.
Noah Burton
Burton, a kinesiology major, is a President’s List Scholar and member of Phi Theta Kappa. He is also active on campus as a Holmes Ambassador and member of Coachmen and the Chorale. Off campus, Burton helps with various outreach programs provided through his church, Main Street Baptist, such as leading the outdoor recreational activities during Vacation Bible School (VBS) and taking fruit baskets to the elderly during the Christmas holidays.
Following graduation from Holmes, Burton will attend Mississippi State University to earn an undergraduate degree in kinesiology with an emphasis in neuromechanics. After finishing at Mississippi State, his plans are to further his career by seeking a doctor of physical therapy degree.
Jon Parker Jones
Jones, a biomedical engineering major, is a Holmes cheerleader who was named Most Coachable Athlete, Freshman Class Favorite and a Holmes Scholar Athlete. He is also a Board of Trustees ACT Scholarship recipient and made the President’s List every semester at Holmes. Jones is president of Phi Theta Kappa and served as vice president of college projects for PTK his freshman year. He was also a Holmes Ambassador his freshman year, and is a member of Holmes Plus, Baptist Student Union and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Honors Program. Jones also serves as a chemistry lab assistant.
His community involvement includes: Special Olympics in Grenada volunteer, Holmes Cheerleader Stunt Clinic staff, Deep South Spirit Competition volunteer, Freshman Friday volunteer, Major Experience volunteer, MC^2 tutor, Shepard’s Touch volunteer, Vacation Bible School group leader, Kids Now group leader, Discipleship Now volunteer, Holmes Cleanup Day volunteer, Beautiful Feet Homeless Ministry volunteer, Love Mission’s volunteer and Helping Hands volunteer. He has also shadowed a local doctor in his hometown to gain experience.
Upon graduation from Holmes, Jones plans to attend Mississippi State University to pursue a bachelor’s in biomedical engineering. He has been accepted into the Bagley College of Engineering and he also plans to apply to be a Roadrunner as well as tryout for the cheerleading team. After obtaining his bachelor’s degree, Jones would like to go to medical school at The University of Mississippi Medical Center. He would like to go into pediatrics and eventually live and work in his hometown as a pediatrician.
Jenson Williams
Williams is an elementary education major specializing in history and science. Her honors include: 2020 English Composition Award, first place in 2020 Holmes Writing Competition, 2020 Most Valuable Crowd Leader for Cheer, President’s List freshman year and recognition as a Scholar Athlete. In addition to being a Holmes cheerleader, Williams is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa, Student Support Services and the Honors Social and Behavioral Science Class.
Her community involvement includes: representing Holmes as a cheer tryout judge/recruiter/clinic instructor in surrounding areas, representing Holmes Cheerleading as a performer and information table volunteer at Major Experience, volunteering at the Special Olympics in Grenada, working at several Deep South cheer competitions, representing Holmes at Cruisin’ for a Cure and participating in stunt clinics and open gyms. After graduating Holmes, Williams plans to attend Delta State University to earn a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. She would also like to earn a master’s in special education and become a teacher who students look back and thank for the time and effort put into her career.