Holmes Community College recently announced members of the 2021 Homecoming Court.
Grenada Campus court members include: Student Body Maid Jamya Faith Benson of Grenada, Sophomore Maid Hannah Briscoe of Grenada, Sophomore Maid Martha Clark Robertson of Greenwood, Freshman Maid Alyssa Campbell of Grenada and Freshman Maid Sadie Roberts of Oakland.
Jamya Benson, daughter of Regina and Patrick Benson, is a sophomore majoring in elementary education and special education. She serves as vice president of communications for the Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Mu Beta Chapter, she is a work-study in the Admissions Office and serves on Student Government Association. Benson also received the Highest English Composition Award in the spring of 2021 and was named to the Dean’s and President’s lists. Off campus, she is a keyboardist/vocalist for her church and helps with the youth choir. Her hobbies include shopping, playing with her pets and singing karaoke. After graduating from Holmes, Benson plans to further her education at the University of Mississippi, majoring in education with a minor in music.
Hannah Briscoe, the daughter of Pam and Jeff Briscoe, is a business administration major. She is active on campus as an Ambassador, a work-study student, a Phi Theta Kappa member and a Baptist Student Union member. Briscoe has also participated in Miss Mississippi’s Outstanding Teen Organization, and manages the gift side of Sav-Mor Drugs and Gifts in Grenada. She is part of the praise band at Emmanuel Baptist Church, as well. Her hobbies include shopping, drawing with sidewalk chalk, singing and photography. Briscoe’s future plans include opening a bridal boutique that helps brides plan their whole wedding from the catering and venue down to flowers, hair and makeup, and of course, the gown.
Martha Clark Robertson, daughter of Carla and Russell Robertson, is a pre-nursing major. Robertson is a member of Phi Theta Kappa honor society and of Immanuel Baptist Church. In her free time, she enjoys exercising and hanging out with friends and family. Robertson’s future plans include earning her bachelor’s degree in nursing and working in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Alyssa Campbell is the daughter of Jennifer Campbell and Sheena and Bobby Campbell. She is a pre-nursing major and member of First Baptist Church of Grenada. Her hobbies include sleeping, shopping, snapchatting her friends, hanging out with family and friends and playing with her Great Dane, Kane. She also enjoys working at La Bella Fonte in Grenada. In the future, Campbell hopes to one day be able to work at LeBonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis as a nurse in the pediatric intensive care unit.
Sadie Roberts, daughter of Amanda and Luke Roberts, is majoring in special education with a minor in psychology. On campus she is involved in Student Government Association as well as the Baptist Student Union. Roberts is also a member of Friendship Baptist Church where she is part of the praise team. Her hobbies include: journaling, making TikTok videos and hanging out with friends. Roberts plans to transfer to Mississippi State University in the fall of 2022 while majoring in special education, and later she hopes to become a specialist for a special needs program.
The queen and her court will be presented during halftime of the Bulldogs’ Homecoming Game against Mississippi Delta Community College on Thursday, Oct. 21, in Goodman. Kickoff is scheduled for 3 p.m.
For more information about Homecoming, contact Alumni Coordinator Katherine Ellard at (662) 472-9134 or kellard@holmescc.edu.
Pictured are the Holmes Community College 2021 Grenada Campus Homecoming Court members. They are (left to right) Freshman Maid Sadie Roberts of Oakland, Freshman Maid Alyssa Campbell of Grenada, Student Body Maid Jamya Faith Benson of Grenada, Sophomore Maid Martha Clark Robertson of Greenwood and Sophomore Maid Hannah Briscoe of Grenada.