Holmes Community College is committed to providing a quality, affordable education, as well as an atmosphere that fosters a sense of family. Faculty, staff and administration strive to make sure students feel supported and encouraged every step of the way as they navigate their college experience. An essential component of student support includes parent and/or guardian support and accountability. For this reason, the Holmes Academic Programs Division has revamped the college’s Parent Portal.
The Parent Portal provides parents and guardians with resources that will allow them to help their students while also keeping them accountable. Some of the resources provided include instructions for accessing students’ information and tips for student success in college. Parents are able to retrieve grades/transcripts, view attendance, check on accounts receivable information and access other student-related information, as well. This is a great place for parents to stay up-to-date on information about financial aid, textbooks, important dates at Holmes and more.
Additionally, the Parent Portal includes a link to Mississippi Articulation & Transfer Tool (MATT). MATT provides transfer course equivalency information, searchable databases by institution/major and a transfer guide so that parents can provide any extra help needed to their students who plan to attend a public Mississippi four-year university or college after Holmes.
The portal provides important information about FERPA, as well; a key aspect to note is that students must authorize a parent or legal guardian (proxy) online access to certain student information. The student controls who they designate as a proxy and can modify proxy permissions and access at any time through MyHolmes.
“We are so excited to roll out this improved version of our Parent Portal,” said Vice President for Academic Programs Dr. Jenny B. Jones. “As a parent of a college student, I know first-hand what a difference it makes to be able to guide your student and help hold them accountable as they progress through their college career. A strong support system is vital to success in higher education, and this Parent Portal helps parents/guardians take on that role.”
To access the Parent Portal, click here.