Holmes wins 12 awards from 2020 CPRAM Awards Program
Holmes won 12 awards during the 2020 CPRAM Awards Program. Members of the Holmes Community College Marketing/Recruiting and Communications departments received 12 awards during the 2020 College Public Relations Association of Mississippi (CPRAM) Awards Program on Aug. 10. Normally these awards would be presented during the CPRAM annual conference, but this year's gathering was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Holmes staff members Morgan Bondurant, Mary Margaret Busby, Steve Diffey, Katherine Ellard, Dr. Lindy McCain and Stephanie Wood each received awards.
Holmes won five awards in the Print Media Division. For the Viewbook category, Stephanie Wood won first place for "Holmes-At-A-Glance;" in the Newsletters category, Katherine Ellard, Mary Margaret Busby and Stephanie Wood won second place for "Paw Prints" and for the Annual Report category, Ellard, Busby, Wood, Steve Diffey and Dr. Lindy McCain came in second place for "Foundation Annual Report." Additionally, Wood took home third place in Advertisements for "Congrats Grads!" and third place in Digital Art/Photo Illustration for "Major Experience 'Major Sixx."
In the Electronic Media Division, Holmes received six awards total. In the Television Spots category, Wood and Morgan Bondurant won first place for the "Fox40 No Place like Holmes" segment, and in the Multi-Media Presentation category, they won first for "Holmes CC Convocation 2019." Wood and Bondurant also won third in Web Page for "holmescc.edu" and Diffey won second in Web Page (Sports Only) for "holmesathletics.com." In addition, Wood snagged a first place in Web Advertisements for "Bulldogs Always Have Fun" and Bondurant won second in New Media/Social Media for "Soccer Camp Boys 7v7."
Holmes was also named a Grand Award winner in the Electronic Media Division for Bondurant and Wood's Multi-Media Presentation winner, "Holmes CC Convocation 2019." Additionally, Diffey served on the 2019-20 CPRAM Board as scholarship chair and assisted in the creation and implementation of the virtual awards ceremony.