New scholarship opportunity available to Career-Tech students A new scholarship program through Mississippi Works is now available to Career-Technical Education students at Holmes Community College.
A new scholarship program through Mississippi Works is now available to Career-Technical Education students at Holmes Community College. The Mississippi Works Career Tech Scholarship Program provides tuition assistance to those who enroll in approved Career and Technical Education Certificate and Associate of Applied Science degree programs identified through sector analysis to meet the workforce demands of the state.
To find out which programs at Holmes qualify for the scholarship, students can visit the Career Technical office on their respective campus for a full list. Students must meet all eligibility requirements as outlined in the Mississippi Community College Board guidance. Scholarship amounts available will vary up to the amount of tuition owed by a student and may be affected by other institutional funding the student is already receiving.
In order to participate in the Mississippi Works Career-Tech Scholars (MWCTS) Program, the following requirements must be met:
Be a legal resident of Mississippi who is admitted to both a public community college and an eligible career-tech program.
Be a full-time student and successfully complete an established number of hours in an eligible career-tech program. If a student fails to successfully complete the established number of hours in an eligible career-tech program to maintain eligibility, the student may be classified as probationary for one semester in order to continue participating in the MS Works CTE Scholars Program.
The MWCTS Program is available to previous postsecondary completers that earned a certificate or degree, pending compliance of admission criteria.
Once admitted to the Mississippi Works Career-Tech Scholars Program, participants must meet the following requirements:
Be a full time student according to the community college's policy and maintain full time enrollment.
Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA each semester and successfully complete courses as prescribed by the program curriculum.
Participate in available work-based learning opportunities in the selected field of study.
"We are very excited about the possibility of our students receiving scholarship funds from the Mississippi Works CTE Scholars Program," said Vice President for Career-Technical Education Dr. Amy Whittington. "This is a brand new program for our state. At Holmes Community College, we know the need in the workforce for individuals in skilled trade areas. To be able to ease the financial burden of returning to college or entering as a first-time freshman in an approved Career Technical field will be a major accomplishment for our state.
Applications will be accepted from Aug. 1-30 for the fall 2019 semester. For more information, contact Reagan Dilmore at (601) 605-3345 or rdilmore@holmescc.edu.