Holmes Community College students Addie Fetcko of Madison, Jon Parker Jones of Kosciusko, Peyton Killebrew of Sallis, Hannah Olivia Lane of Duck Hill, Kennedy Norwood of Grenada and Deja Sloan of Madison were all named to the 2021 Phi Theta Kappa honor society All-Mississippi Academic Team. Nominations are based on outstanding academic performance and service to the college and community. Jones was named First Team, and the others were named to the Second Team.
Addie Fetcko
Fetcko is a President’s List Scholar who serves as vice president of fundraising and campus activities for Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Lambda Sigma Chapter in Ridgeland. Upon graduation from Holmes, she plans to attend Mississippi University for Women and apply to the Speech and Language Pathology program. Fetcko also plans to pursue a master’s degree and reach her goal of becoming a speech pathologist. She is employed by Gifts by KPEP and KPEP and worked for Kendall Poole Event Planning her freshman year. In her spare time, Fetcko enjoys tutoring first and third graders and volunteering with Little Light House of Central Mississippi and Sunnybrook Children’s Home.
Jon Parker Jones
Jones, a biomedical engineering major, is president of the Kappa Alpha Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa in Goodman. As a freshman he served as vice president of college projects for the chapter. Other than Phi Theta Kappa, Jones is active on campus as a cheerleader, Holmes Plus member, Baptist Student Union (BSU) member, member of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Honors Program and as a chemistry lab assistant. He is a President’s List Scholar and a Board of Trustees ACT Scholarship recipient, as well. He has done extensive amounts of community service and upon graduation from Holmes, plans to transfer to Mississippi State University to obtain a bachelor’s in biomedical engineering. After MSU, Jones would like to go to medical school at The University of Mississippi Medical Center and eventually become a pediatrician in his hometown.
Peyton Killebrew
Killebrew, a biological science major, is vice president of membership for the Kappa Alpha Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa in Goodman. Other than Phi Theta Kappa, Killebrew is active on campus as a Holmes Ambassador. Off campus, he is an active member of Sallis Baptist Church. His hobbies include playing sports, hunting and fishing. Killebrew also worked at Holmes County Bank in Lexington. Upon graduation from Holmes, he plans to transfer to Mississippi College and major in medical science. His goal is to pursue a career in the medical field.
Hannah Olivia Lane
Lane, a dietetics and nutrition major, is vice president of leadership for Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Mu Beta Chapter in Grenada. She’s also a President’s List scholar, President’s ACT Scholarship recipient and 2020 Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholarship recipient. Lane is active on campus as an Ambassador, a Student Government Association officer, member of BSU and Sophomore Class Favorite. Lane’s community involvement includes serving as a judge for the Grenada School District reading and science fairs, participating in a St. Jude toy drive, hosting a school supply drive for Winona Elementary school, packaging and distributing provisions to food pantries across Mississippi during the COVID-19 pandemic and leading a campus food pantry through Phi Theta Kappa. After Holmes, she plans to transfer to Mississippi State University to pursue a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nutritional health science in hopes of becoming a registered dietitian.
Kennedy Norwood
Norwood, a kinesiology/exercise science major, is a President’s List Scholar, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant recipient as well as 100 Black Man Scholarship recipient. On the Grenada Campus, he is active as a member of Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Mu Beta Chapter and BSU. Norwood went with BSU to Beautiful Feet Ministry in Dallas Fort Worth, Texas, for six days during the 2020 spring semester. He helped serve the needy by serving food, providing clothing and teaching them about God. He also helped cut down their trees at the church. In addition, he participated in the Grenada Baptist District food and clothing drive in November of 2019. After Holmes, Norwood plans to transfer to Mississippi State University to pursue a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology/exercise science. While at MSU, he plans to continue being active in BSU and earn more scholarships. His goal is to become a fitness coach and establish a career in exercise science.
Deja Sloan
Sloan is active on the Ridgeland Campus as a Phi Theta Kappa officer (student recruitment and activities for the Alpha Lambda Sigma Chapter), a student worker for the Career-Technical Office and as a Student Ambassador. She was also voted Student Body Homecoming Maid and Miss Holmes Community College for the Ridgeland Campus. As a freshman, she was Student Government Association vice president, a President’s List Scholar, Horizons yearbook editor, recipient of the Journalism Award and Freshman Class Favorite. Upon graduating from Holmes, Sloan is moving to Orlando, Florida, to attend the University of Central Florida. She plans to major in broadcast reporting with the goal of becoming an entertainment reporter. She has plans to grow her social media accounts (YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram) and create content part-time, as well.
For more information about Holmes’ Phi Theta Kappa chapters, visit https://www.holmescc.edu/student_life/clubs/ptk/index.aspx.
For more information about Phi Theta Kappa, visit https://www.ptk.org/.