Yazoo Center to offer job readiness courses The Holmes Community College Yazoo Center is pleased to announce the addition of new workforce training/community course offerings for the spring of 2019.
The Holmes Community College Yazoo Center is pleased to announce the addition of new workforce training/community course offerings for the spring of 2019. Located at 637 East 15th St., the Yazoo County Economic Development and Educational Center will serve as the site for job success preparation courses.
The course offerings include: "Dress for Success" on April 23; "Communication" on April 25; "Interview Skills" on April 30; "Resumes" on May 2; "Tips for Success" on May 7 and "Mock Interviews" on May 9. Classes will meet from 5:30-7:30 p.m. and class size is limited (15 maximum), so interested persons should register as soon as possible. These courses will help prepare students for the Yazoo County Job Fair which will be held on May 14 at the National Guard Armory from 9 a.m.- noon.
For more information about these programs, contact John Byrd at (662) 746-8668 or john.byrd@yazoocountyms.gov.
For more information about Holmes Community College, visit www.holmescc.edu.