Holmes Community College now offers a Residential Wiring Class at the Yazoo Education Center and the next session will run from April 5-May 24. The 6-week, 24-hour class will meet on Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Yazoo Educational Center, located on 637 East 15th Street in Yazoo City.
The course, which cost $25, will cover all aspects of home wiring including simple receptacle and switch installation, conductors, circuit planning and more complex installation such as service panels, grounding and service drops with hands-on circuit installation and device wiring. There are no requirements or prerequisites required to take this course.
Students will get both instruction and practice in service entrance installation, specialized circuits and the use of commercial raceways. At the conclusion of the course, students will receive a certificate.
For more information, contact Will Alexander at walexander@holmescc.edu or 662-472-9070.