Brown, Moorer, Levy accept TYCAM leadership positions Goodman Campus English Instructors Jessica Brown (right) and William C. Moorer (center) were elected to two-year terms as co-chairs of the statewide organization. Goodman Campus English Instructor LaShonda Levy (left) was elected as Holmes' representative to the TYCAM Executive Committee.
On Friday, September 21, the Two-Year College English Association of Mississippi (TYCAM) held its annual conference at the Eagle Ridge Conference Center in Raymond, and three Holmes employees were named to leadership positions.
Goodman Campus English Instructors Jessica Brown and William C. Moorer were elected to two-year terms as co-chairs of the statewide organization. Goodman Campus English Instructor LaShonda Levy was elected as Holmes' representative to the TYCAM Executive Committee.
Brown and Moorer will be responsible for planning and running TYCAM's conferences and planning textbook publications which help fund TYCAM. Levy will be the liaison between Holmes English faculty and TYCAM and also work with the Executive Committee to run the annual conferences.
TYCAM is affiliated with the Two-Year College English Association-Southeast (TYCA-SE), which is part of The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). TYCAM's annual conference promotes English pedagogy in Mississippi's Community Colleges. It has been generously supported by the presidents of Mississippi's community colleges and by the State Board of Community and Junior Colleges.
Brown is Co-Chair of the Holmes English Department and teaches Composition, Developmental English and Reading, and American Literature.
Moorer teaches Composition, Developmental English and Reading, and Creative Writing. He is the director of the Goodman Writing Center and has served as Holmes' representative to the TYCAM Executive Committee since 2012.
Levy teaches Composition, Developmental English and Reading and African-American Literature on the Goodman Campus.