Foundation announces Killebrew Memorial Scholarship Killebrew Memorial Scholarship A scholarship honoring the late Bobby Eugene and JoAnn Robertson Killebrew is being established at Holmes Community College. The Killebrews lived in Durant until 1976, and thereafter in Forest before Mrs. Killebrew passed away in 2013 and Mr. Killebrew in 2016.
Mr. Killebrew served in several management positions for Textron, Inc., in Durant and Morton and for McCarty Farms in Forest, and as vice president of processing for Green Acres Farms, Inc. Mrs. Killebrew worked at the Durant and Forest Municipal School Districts. Both were tireless supporters of education in Mississippi- both in the public schools and in higher education. Bobby was an alumnus of Holmes CC and Mississippi State University, and JoAnn was an alumna of MSU.
The Bobby Eugene and JoAnn Robertson Killebrew Memorial Scholarship is being initiated by Karan Killebrew Clark and Eric Clark. An endowment is being created that will honor the Killebrews in perpetuity. The principal will remain intact and only the earnings will be spent. Recipients will be chosen based on scholarship, good citizenship, and need.
Anyone who wishes to contribute to the scholarship is invited to do so. Please send a contribution to: Holmes Community College Development Foundation, P. O. Box 527, Goodman, MS 39079, and designate Bobby and JoAnn Killebrew Scholarship Fund.