Holmes Community College recently announced members of the 2021 Homecoming Court.
Goodman Campus court members include: Homecoming Queen Jordan Hughes of Kosciusko, Student Body Maid Hayley Haffey of Kosciusko, Sophomore Maid Jordan Pritchard, Sophomore Maid Lindsey Kate Turner of Sallis, Freshman Maid Aasjahla Tinae Garron of Winona and Freshman Maid Kelsey Gilmore of Lexington.
Jordan Hughes, daughter of Patricia and Jack Hughes, is a pre-veterinary medicine major. She is active on campus as a flute player in the Holmes marching band, a member of Phi Theta Kappa honor society and as a Student Support Services member and tutor. Off campus, Hughes is a member of Mt. Zion M.B. Church and enjoys baking sweet treats, making arts and crafts and playing with her pets. After graduating from Holmes, she plans to obtain her bachelor’s degree from Mississippi State University and then apply for their veterinary medicine program. After earning her degrees, Hughes would like to return back home and work for Kosciusko Veterinary Hospital.
Hayley Haffey, daughter of Dr. Jim Haffey and Rae Anne Haffey, is a pre-med major. She is an officer for Phi Theta Kappa, a Holmes Ambassador and a member of the Student Government Association. Haffey is also a member of First Baptist Church of Kosciusko. In her free time, she enjoys going to the beach, snow skiing, traveling, shopping and hanging out with friends and family. After graduating from Holmes, Haffey will attend Mississippi State University to pursue a degree in biological science/pre-med. She then plans to further her education at University of Mississippi Medical Center in hopes of becoming a doctor
Jordan Pritchard is the daughter of Christy and J.J. Pritchard. She is majoring in radiology. During her time at Holmes, she has been a member of the cheerleading squad and Phi Theta Kappa.
Lindsey Kate Turner, daughter of Jackie and Tim Turner, is a biological science major. On campus, she is involved in the Holmes Connection!, Coachmen, Chorale and Baptist Student Union. She is also a Phi Theta Kappa officer. Off campus, Turner is a member of Sallis Baptist Church where she helps lead worship. Her hobbies include: spending time with her family and pets, and being the lead singer in a wedding band called Stylish. After Holmes, Turner plans to transfer to Mississippi College to study medical science and then go to the University of Mississippi Medical Center to earn her doctorate in medicine.
Aasjahla Garron is the daughter of Tina and Dennis Garron. She is majoring in pre-physical therapy/kinesiology and is a member of the Holmes Cheerleading team.
Kelsey Gilmore, daughter of Wendy and the late John Gilmore, is a history major. She is active on campus as an Ambassador, Chorale singer, MOSAIC member, Baptist Student Union member and work-study student for the Business Office. Off campus, Gilmore is a member of Beulah Baptist Church in Lexington. Her hobbies include hanging out with friends, reading and biking. Gilmore plans to stay at Holmes for two years before transferring to Mississippi State University. At MSU, she will obtain her master’s degree in history and hopes to eventually get a job at a two-year college like Holmes.
The queen and her court will be presented during halftime of the Bulldogs’ Homecoming Game against Mississippi Delta Community College on Thursday, Oct. 21, in Goodman. Kickoff is scheduled for 3 p.m.
For more information about Homecoming, contact Alumni Coordinator Katherine Ellard at (662) 472-9134 or kellard@holmescc.edu.
Pictured are the Holmes Community College 2021 Goodman Campus Homecoming Court members. They are (left to right) Sophomore Maid Lindsey Kate Turner of Sallis, Sophomore Maid Jordan Pritchard, Student Body Maid Hayley Haffey of Kosciusko, Homecoming Queen Jordan Hughes of Kosciusko, Freshman Maid Kelsey Gilmore of Lexington and Freshman Maid Aasjahla Tinae Garron of Winona.