The Holmes Community College Development Foundation, Inc., held the Annual Golf Classic on Wednesday, May 5, at Deerfield Golf Club in Madison. The event included lunch followed by tee off at noon and a social following completion of play. During the social, participants enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, door prize giveaways and the announcement of winners.
Team Ivey Mechanical, consisting of Ken Bain, Denny Terrell, Austin Terrell and Nicholas Upchurch, was the first flight winner. Austin Terrell also had the Longest Drive on hole #18. The second flight winner was Team Paint Plus, which included J.T. Blair, Kevin Connor, Scott DeLoach and Jon Thompson. Team Career-Technical Education came in as third flight winner, and that team consisted of Bryan DeWeese, Dr. Luke Jones, Dr. Larry Webster and Frank Whittington. Additionally, Antoine Cash won a prize for being Closest to the Hole on #3.
The Holmes Foundation was established more than 45 years ago to represent the nine-county district the college serves. Its purpose is to provide funds for scholarships for students attending Holmes as well as provide funds to support other educational activities of the college, such as faculty development, modernization of classroom equipment, student development activities and sponsorship of capital improvement campaigns. The Annual Golf Classic raises money for the Holmes Foundation through corporate/team sponsorships, hole sponsorships and mulligan cards. This year’s door prizes were donated by Meagan and Bill Fitts (WHIM Pottery), Geiger Marketing (Jennifer Rebich), J. Olive, Joe T.’s Wine & Spirits, North American Coal – Red Hills Mine, Paul Shelton, S&S Recovery and Soulshine Pizza Factory.
For more information, contact Career Technical Counselor Allison DeWeese for more information at 601-605-3430 or adeweese@holmescc.edu.