The SkillsUSA chapters from Holmes Community College’s Goodman and Ridgeland campuses successfully competed in the 2024 SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Conference, and the winners who brought home the gold will compete at nationals June 24-28 in Atlanta, Georgia. Students competing include Ridgeland Campus Heating, Cooling and Ventilation (HVAC) students Brett Coffey, Nicholas Dunaway and Matthew Hodges: Coffey for Job Skills Demonstration Open, Dunaway for HVAC and Hodges for Job Skills Demonstration A. Additionally, Ridgeland Campus, Electro-Mechanic Technology major Richard Ginn earned a gold medal in the Industrial Motor Control Competition. Leah Rainey, an Architectural Engineering Technology student representing the Goodman Campus, will also compete at nationals in Prepared Speech.
Chris Jacobs with Ivey Mechanical and Austin Barbrey with Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery donated $2,000 each to support five of Holmes’ students competing at SkillsUSA nationals.
Ben Nalty with Environment Masters donated $2,844 to cover the hotel stay for two of the HVAC students competing at Skills USA nationals: Coffey and Dunaway. These two students are currently employees of Environment Masters.
“It’s nice to see industry partners invest in their employees on and off the clock,” HVAC instructor/SkillsUSA advisor Peter Hindman said.
The SkillsUSA National Competition will have over 6,500 career and technical education students competing in 115 competitions. The week is packed full of activities and events, including the SkillsUSA Championships (the competitions), SkillsUSA TECHSPO, SkillsUSA University and more. TECHSPO provides an opportunity for attendees to network with industry and education partners while learning about new technology. SkillsUSA University gives attendees the chance to learn directly from industry experts and gain field-specific skills which can be incorporated into classroom instruction, according to the SkillsUSA website.
For more information about the SkillsUSA Chapter in Ridgeland, contact Heather Mooney at hmooney@holmescc.edu. For more information about the Goodman Chapter, contact Will Alexander at walexander@holmescc.edu.
To learn more about the SkillsUSA National Competition, visit https://www.nlsc.skillsusa.org/.
(top photo) Pictured are (left to right) Austin Barbrey with Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery, Chris Jacobs with Ivey Mechanical, Engineering Technology instructor/SkillsUSA advisor Heather Mooney and HVAC instructor/SkillsUSA advisor Peter Hindman.
(bottom photo) Pictured are (left to right) HVAC instructor/SkillsUSA advisor Peter Hindman, Ben Nalty with Environment Masters and Engineering Technology instructor/SkillsUSA advisor Heather Mooney.