Each year during the week of May 15, National Police Week recognizes law enforcement officers’ contributions throughout the nation. Holmes Community College is proud of our law enforcement presence, and wants to commend our officers for all they do to keep our campus safe.
“We are so proud of our Public Safety Department,” said Goodman Campus Vice President Andy Wood. “Their professionalism and attention to our campuses provides a safe learning environment.”
The special week of recognition began in 1962 when President John F. Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which May 15 falls, as National Police Week. During this week, everyone is encouraged to remember those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others, and celebrate the officers still doing so today. In Washington, D.C., there is a National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, and this year, the names of 282 officers killed in the line of duty are being added to it. Of those officers, 118 were killed over the last year, and 164 were previously killed in the line of duty but their story has just come to light. The names of the fallen officers from across the nation will be dedicated during the 36th Annual Candlelight Vigil at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on May 13.
Knowing the sacrifices they make for the college and their willingness to put themselves in harm’s way to protect others, the college’s Administration, faculty and staff make a point to express their gratitude for the college’s officers, not just during Law Enforcement Appreciation Week, but throughout the school year.
“Campus Police have become an integral part of the Grenada Campus,” said Grenada Campus Vice President Dr. Michelle Burney. ‘Our officers do an awesome job of supporting faculty, staff and students to make the campus feel secure and inviting. They welcome us to campus each day with a smile and friendly greeting and are always there to lend a helping hand. We appreciate them greatly.”
Ridgeland Vice President Dr. Don Burnham also expressed his appreciation for Holmes’ police officers, as well as those in the community .
“First, I would like to say thank you to our law enforcement officers both on campus and off,” Dr. Burnham said. “Words simply are not adequate to let them know how important they are not only to Holmes Community College, but also to our society and its well-being. These individuals put themselves in harm’s way to prevent us from being harmed. Who can ever forget seeing the welcome sight of flashing lights as law enforcement arrives on the scene to help us when we are in trouble or seeing officers run toward a potentially deadly situation seemingly without regard for personal safety.
“To our law enforcement officers, thank you and know you are deeply appreciated by Holmes Community College and its employees,” Dr. Burnham said. “As the vice president for the Ridgeland Campus, I rely on and trust our officers’ ability to make the campus a safe place to attend classes for our students, employees and the public. It is in those particular times when we have an accident in a vehicle, an issue at our home or at school and law enforcement arrives to provide needed assistance that may even save a life that their true value shines through to us.”
There are a number of ways citizens can participate in Law Enforcement Appreciation Week, including, but not limited to:
- Wearing blue during Law Enforcement Appreciation Week (or even just on May 15)
- Hang a sign in in your business’ window saying “We Support Law Enforcement” or “Thank your police officers!”
- Give special discounts to police officers if you own a business
- Thanking police officers when you see them on duty
- Buying police officers a coffee or meal
- Writing a “thank you” letter to local law enforcement agencies
- Donating to support law enforcement-affiliated causes or foundations
- Calling a local radio station to share your gratitude for law enforcement
- Writing a letter to the editor of the local newspaper expressing gratitude for law enforcement
- Speaking up when people criticize law enforcement
- Share positive experiences with law enforcement on social media