Mortuary Science students visit Organ Recovery Agency On Tuesday, May 2, a group of students in the Holmes Community College Mortuary Science program attended a "Lunch and Learn" presented by Taylor Phillips, Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency (MORA) funeral home/coroner liaison. Other event speakers included Linda Amos, a heart transplant recipient, and Daniel Billiot, manager of the Greater Jackson Mortuary Service.
Amos expressed her gratitude that she was able to get a heart transplant six years ago, thanks to Chase Worten. Worten, who was only 19 years old, tragically collapsed and died playing baseball at Hinds Community College in 2011. Billiot, a Holmes alumnus, discussed the restoration and embalming of organ and tissue donors for viewing. Several members of the recovery team from MORA were also available to answer students' questions.
The students, many of whom are enrolled in Embalming I or II, also had an opportunity to tour the facility, including the recovery operation suite.
The goal of the Holmes Mortuary Science program, housed on the Ridgeland Campus, is to provide training that prepares students for entry-level positions after graduation and licensure. The curriculum is designed to provide students the following: ethical and professional knowledge in funeral service education, exposure to career options available within the funeral service field, and experiences in the application of ethical and professional skills while emphasizing aspects of public health.
For more information about MORA, go to http://www.msora.org/.
For more information about the Holmes Mortuary Science program, contact Dr. Thomas Garrett at (601) 605.3327 or tgarrett@holmescc.edu.
IN THIS PHOTO: Students and instructors in the Holmes Mortuary Science program attended a "Lunch and Learn" at the Mississippi Organ Recovery
Agency on May 2.