Ridgeland Campus holds 2018 Award and Honors Program
The Holmes Community College Ridgeland Campus recognized its students' achievements and honors during the 2018 Honors Day Program held April 17 in the McGowan Workforce Training Center.
The evening began with a welcome from District Director of Career-Technical Education Dr. Amy Whittington and an invocation from Ridgeland Campus Vice President Dr. Don Burnham.
Award presentations began with Dr. Burnham recognizing the 2018 Hall of Fame inductees. Hall of Fame recipients were voted on by faculty and staff based on academic achievement, campus involvement and community service. The inductees included: Slade Allgood, Caroline Bennett, Maggie Bloodworth, Johnna Davis, Sarah Donahoo, Davis Edwards, Travis Jones, Melanie Owah, Donovan Parkerson, Lydia Thompson and Courtney Turner.
Following Hall of Fame recognitions, the Dean & Director Award recipients were honored. These awards are given to non-traditional students who excel academically and are recognized by faculty as exemplary students. Dr. Stacey Coulter presented an award to Gennell Evans, Dr. Whittington presented to Leslie Fleming and Angie Blain presented to Christopher Tate.
Dr. Andrew Kelly took the stage next to honor the 2018 Ridgeland Campus Literary Contest winners. The first and second place recipients received monetary prizes, in addition to their plaques, presented by Holmes alumnus Kyle Henry from Renasant Bank. The winners were: Ashley Regan, first place in Poetry for "Lady Chrysalis;" Codi Goulas, second in Poetry for "Acadiana Roots;" Lydia Fortenberry, first place in Short Story for "Jack is not a Girl's Name;" Will Flasck, second place in Short Story for "Moving Forward" and second in Literary Essay for "Monkey See, Monkey Do;" Brian M. Jones, II, first in Literary Essay for "Literary as a Tool to Freedom in the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas;" Austin C. Parker, first in Personal Essay for "Champion of the Broken;" Samantha Jordan Banks, second in Personal Essay for "Remembrance" and Honorable Mentions in Personal Essay Zach Goodman, David Waller and Rachel Hairston.
Next, a representative from each academic and career-technical program presented an award to a student who has shown excellence in their given major or program. Dr. Alice Austin presented Dorian Patterson with the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Award; Dr. Troy Milliken presented Christopher Galloway with the Physical Science Award and Daniel Hill with the Engineering Award. Ridgeland Academic Dean Dr. Tonya Lawrence, filling in for some instructors who could not be present, presented Laura Ann Kelley with the Business Administration Award and Shelby Sessums with the Fine Arts Award.
The English Composition Award went to Rachel Hairston, presented by Steve Deaton and the Literature Award to Brian M. Jones, II, presented by Arnetra Pleas. Ryan Beggs presented the Health, Physical Education and Recreation Award to Elliott Springer; Donna Ahlrich presented the Mathematics Award to Slade Allgood, Mary Margaret Busby presented the Journalism Award to Kanisha Wade; Dr. Amy Wolgamott presented the Public Speaking Award to Tamela Fleming and Laura McMahon presented the Social and Behavior Science Award to Leslie Fleming.
Kana Williams took the stage to kick off career tech awards, presenting the Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Award to Margaret Corcoran. NaTunya Johnson presented the Business Technology Award to Harold Smothers; Shea Coleman presented the Surgical Technology Award to James Baggett and Mark Galtelli presented the Emergency Medical Science Award to Daniel Russell. Finally, Lynn Boykin presented the Engineering Technology Award to Jose Ramon Barcenas and David Jones presented the Funeral Service Technology Award to Lee Breeland.
A few students were unable to attend, but were still recognized during the program. Those students included: Robert Oakes, Biological Science; Samantha Moffett, Educational Programs; Zachary Parker, Spanish; Michael Poe for History and Political Science; Nathan Ivey, Information Systems Technology; Hanna K. Shedd and Paralegal Technology.
A reception for award recipients, friends and family immediately followed the ceremony in the McGowan Lobby.
For more information on Holmes Community College, visit www.holmescc.edu.
IN THIS PHOTO: Pictured are all of the Ridgeland Campus award recipients following the 32nd Annual Holmes Awards & Honors Program held April 17 in the McGowan Center. The recipients are (front row, left to right) Samantha Jordan Banks, Melanie Owah, Lydia Thompson, Laura Ann Kelley, Courtney Turner, Anna Claire Stewart, Johnna Davis, Caroline Bennett, Maggie Bloodworth, (second row, left to right) Dorian Patterson, Shelby Sessums, Margaret Corcoran, Jose Ramon Barcenas, Daniel Hill, Christopher Galloway, Travis Jones, Davis Edwards, Brian M. Jones, II, Janay Guice, Kanisha Wade, Daniel Russell, (third row, left to right) Jacob George, David Waller, Christopher Tate, Tamela Fleming, Leslie Fleming, Sarah Donahoo, Rachel Hairston, James Baggett, Gennell Evans, (back row, left to right) Donovan Parkerson, Slade Allgood, Will Flasck, Elliott Springer and Austin C. Parker.