Ridgeland Campus holds 2019 Honors Day Pictured are all of the awards recipients following the Holmes Community College Ridgeland Campus Honors Day held April 9 in the McGowan Center. They are (front, left to right) Chelsea Williams, Andrea Bonner, Savanna Moore, Gabriel Bridgeman, Aurora Sant'Angelo, Lee Cummings, Samantha Endsley, Victoria Alexander, (second row, left to right) Antonio Benson, Zachary McInnis, Terry Williams, Joshua Patton, Mallory Walker, Kamilah Brown, Kempseyann Barnett, Matthew Welch, Daniel Hits, Joshua Hinkle, (back row, left to right) Victoria Hines, David Humphreys, Lucas Langford, William Bilbro, Peyton Montgomery, Abby Hudson, Reece Dent, Rodney Burch, Bekah Misner, Henry Simmons, Thomas Vinson, Haley Mathiews and Tressa Harris.
The Holmes Community College Ridgeland Campus recognized its students' achievements and honors during the 2019 Honors Day Program held April 9 in the McGowan Workforce Training Center. Representatives from each academic and career-technical program presented awards to students who have shown excellence in their given major, program or extracurricular activity. Other special awards were given, as well, in various categories.
The evening began with a welcome from Ridgeland Campus Academic Dean Dr. Tonya Lawrence and an invocation from Ridgeland Campus Vice President Dr. Don Burnham. Award presentations began with recognizing the 2019 Ridgeland Campus Hall of Fame inductees. Hall of Fame is the highest honor a student can receive and recipients were voted on by faculty and staff based on academic achievement, campus involvement and community service. The inductees included: Victoria Alexander, Victoria Hines, Joshua Hinkle, Abby Hudson, Savanna Moore, Frank Oakes, IV, Robert Oakes, Aurora Sant'Angelo, Abigail Wilkerson and Chelsea Williams.
The Biological Science Award went to Andrea Bonner; the Physical Science Award went to Zachary McInnis and the Engineering Award to Reece Dent. The Business Administration Award went to Hinkle; the Criminal Justice Award to Henry Simmons; the Educational Programs Award to Zephyr Morris and the English Composition Award to Lucas Langford. Heather Keel received the Fine Arts Award; Peyton Montgomery the Health, Physical Education & Recreation Award; Malik Jamileh, the Journalism Award; Kamilah Brown, the Literature Award and Daniel Hits, the Spanish Award.
Matthew Welch was the History & Political Science Award recipient; Nicole Bergeron, the Mathematics Award recipient; Thomas Vinson, Computer Science Award; David Humphreys, Public Speaking Award and Kempseyann Barnett, the Social & Behavioral Science Award.
In the career-technology and workforce programs, William Bilbro was the Information Systems Technology Award recipient; Tressa Harris and Haley Mathiews received the Occupational Therapy Assistant Awards; Mallory Walker, Business Technology; Bekah Misner, Surgical Technology; Rodney Burch, Emergency Medical Sciences, Antonio Benson, Engineering Technology and Kayla Andrews, Mortuary Sciences. In addition, Joshua Patton received the Industrial Maintenance Mechanics Award; Lee Cummings, Paralegal Technology; Raymond Anderson, Welding & Cutting Technology and Gabriel Bridgeman, Associate Degree Nursing.
Dr. Andrew Kelly took the stage to recognize the 2019 Ridgeland Campus Literary Contest winners. The first and second place recipients received monetary prizes, in addition to their plaques, presented by Holmes alumnus Kyle Henry from Renasant Bank.
The winners were: Rachel Hairston, first place in poetry for "Star Stuff Salutations;" Hailey Pittman, second place in poetry for "Persephone;" Samantha Endsley, first place in short story for "Fight for a Life;" Satoshi Maehata, second for "The Summer of Shame;" Devin Ammons, first in personal essay for "My Queenie;" William Sutherland, second in personal essay for "Baptized without Pride;" Hairston, third in personal essay for "Wannabe Samurai;" Kamilah Brown, first in literary essay for "An Analysis of The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" and Hairston, second in literary essay for "Tragic Zero: Willy Loman."
A reception for award recipients, friends and family immediately followed the ceremony in the McGowan Lobby.