Ridgeland Campus inducts 48 into Phi Theta Kappa Pictured are the 48 Holmes Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Lambda Sigma Chapter inductees following the ceremony on Feb. 27. Inductees included: Anna Booth, Matthew Burnham, Kade Clinton, Benjamin Crout, Nancy Duarte-Sanchez, Addie Fetcko, , Anna Fortenberry, Cameron Fortenberry, Chloe Fortner, Julie Frost, Maya Gipson, Michael Gonzalez, Christy Griffith, Evelyn Beyoncé Henderson, Gracie High, Brandon Hines, Brian Johnson, Trinity Jones, Donnell Kinnard, Joy Kate Lawson, Clayton McCarter, Ashley McFarland, Lael McNair, Sophia Melgar, Steven Middleton, Olivia Milner, Tyler Murphy, Maha Musa, Asia Pittman, Adriana Reed, Margaret Sanders, Allison Shaw, Love Preet Singh, Matthew Sinclair, Deja Sloan, John Springer, Fallon Stephens, Addison Stevens, Yarenni Valdez, Bryce Varner, Bree Vierling, Roxanne Washington, Zac Watkins, Caroline Wheel, Quindarius White, Caroleshia White-Tower, Evan Woods and Holley Yates. The Holmes Community College Alpha Lambda Sigma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, housed on the Ridgeland Campus, inducted 48 new members into the honor society for two-year college students on Feb. 27 at Ridgeland High School.
Inductees included: Anna Booth, Matthew Burnham, Kade Clinton, Benjamin Crout, Nancy Duarte-Sanchez, Addie Fetcko, , Anna Fortenberry, Cameron Fortenberry, Chloe Fortner, Julie Frost, Maya Gipson, Michael Gonzalez, Christy Griffith, Evelyn Beyoncé Henderson, Gracie High, Brandon Hines, Brian Johnson, Trinity Jones, Donnell Kinnard, Joy Kate Lawson, Clayton McCarter, Ashley McFarland, Lael McNair, Sophia Melgar, Steven Middleton, Olivia Milner, Tyler Murphy, Maha Musa, Asia Pittman, Adriana Reed, Margaret Sanders, Allison Shaw, Love Preet Singh, Matthew Sinclair, Deja Sloan, John Springer, Fallon Stephens, Addison Stevens, Yarenni Valdez, Bryce Varner, Bree Vierling, Roxanne Washington, Zac Watkins, Caroline Wheel, Quindarius White, Caroleshia White-Tower, Evan Woods and Holley Yates.
Phi Theta is the international honors scholastic society for community colleges that recognizes intellectual achievement and promotes character, leadership and fellowship among community college students. Membership is by invitation to full-time students having a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher at Holmes Community College. Invitations are extended both the fall and spring semesters.
Following a processional of the officers, advisors and inductees, Ridgeland Campus Vice President Dr. Don Burnham welcomed everyone to the ceremony. Vice President of Career and Technical Programs Dr. Amy Whittington followed with an invocation before Holmes President Dr. Jim Haffey gave an address to the students.
"You've proven that you can accomplish anything," Dr. Haffey said. "I know coming from a smaller town you sometimes wonder if you can compete with the rest of the state and with the rest of the world. You can. All of us will tell you that you've got to just keep doing the things you've done to bring you this far and you will be immensely successful wherever you go. It's an elite club that you're in and I'm pleased that I get to share that membership with you guys and I look forward to working with you."
Following Dr. Haffey's remarks, Mathematics Instructor/Phi Theta Kappa Advisor Lisa Anglin, along with the officers, installed the new members and explained meanings behind the symbolic rituals of the Phi Theta Kappa induction ceremony.
2019-20 Officers for the Alpha Lambda Sigma Chapter include Nathan Wildhaber, president; Lorron LaChance, vice president of college projects; Gracie MacGown, vice president of honors in action; Blake Humphreys, vice president of chapter relations and Luke Langford, vice president of membership. Along with Anglin, other chapter advisors include History and Political Science Division Chair Laura Canard and STEM Division Chair Dr. Antoine Gates.
For more information about the Alpha Lambda Sigma Chapter, contact Anglin at langlin@holmescc.edu.