Two Holmes Community College Career-Technical Education students – Tyler Pickett and Connor Sakcriska – participated in a signing day to become Atmos Energy’s newest interns on March 5. The signing ceremony was held in the McGowan Workforce Training Center on the Holmes Ridgeland Campus and was attended by representatives from both Atmos Energy and Holmes. The Atmos Energy internship began in March and will last for nine weeks. Thanks in part to funding from the Workforce Innovations and Opportunities Act (WIOA), students who intern with Atmos Energy will obtain practical experience and exposure to the company, expanding what they learn in the classroom with paid, hands-on work experience.
Tyler Pickett of West, son of Tomika Hardy and Albert Pickett, is in the HVAC program at Holmes. Outside of the classroom, he stays busy as a member off Hudson M.B. Church of West and working multiple jobs. He will complete his HVAC one-year certificate in May and continue as a student at Holmes to earn an associate degree in May of 2025.
Connor Sakcriska of Brandon, son of Lacey and Brian Sakcriska, is in the welding program at Holmes. He will graduate on May 9.
According to atmosenergy.com, Atmos Energy is a proud supporter of our community college system and stands behind the importance of CTE and workforce training programs available to Mississippi students. Students in these programs learn skills that are valued in today’s economy and that enhance their employability.
“This internship is part of our strategy to grow relationships with our community college partners across the state of Mississippi,” stated Glenn Partrick, Atmos Energy vice president of human resources – Mississippi division, on Atmos Energy’s website. “The goal is to establish internships with community colleges across our service territory that will grow our bench of talent for our field operations positions. We believe this is not only a great way to recruit new employees for our company, but the partnership also enriches the communities we serve.”
The Career-Technical Education programs at Holmes lead to an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree, Advanced Technical Certificate, Technical Certificate or a Career Certificate. Some of the Career Technical programs at Holmes also offer transferability to baccalaureate programs.
IN THIS PHOTO: Pictured are (left to right) Glenn Partrick, Atmos Energy’s Vice President of Human Resources-Mississippi Division; welding instructor Nathan Hutchinson; Holmes Vice President for Career Technical Education Dr. Amy Whittington; welding student/Atmos intern Conner Sakcriska; HVAC student/Atmos intern Tyler, HVAC instructor Peter Hindman, Jason Clark, Economic Development Specialist at Atmos; Stefan Lehnerer, Operations Manager at Atmos and Matt Davidson, President of the Mississippi Division of Atmos.