Watkins wins 2018 Most Beautiful Georgia Watkins of West was named 2018 Most Beautiful in Holmes Community College's Beauty Review pageant held Feb. 27 on the Goodman Campus. Watkins, daughter of Tommy and Jennifer Watkins, is a freshman pre-nursing major on the Goodman Campus.
A graduate of Winona Christian School, West is active on campus at
Holmes. She is a cheerleader, Ambassador, member of Phi Theta Kappa honor
society and on the President's List. She also enjoys studying anatomy and physiology, and plans to earn her B.S. in nursing from University of Mississippi Medical Center. Watkins' career ambition is to become a nurse practitioner. In her free time, she enjoys reading and working out
Over the course of the evening, other awards were given, as well. Kalyn Robinson was named Most Photogenic, and the four Beauties (who were part of the Top Five with Watkins) were Nicole Creel, Anna Franklin, Josie Harris and Hallie Murtagh. The Top 10 Beauties included: Watkins, Creel, Franklin, Harris, Murtagh, Robinson, Tamara Greenlee, Keri Hannah, Catherine Pannell and Hannah Thomas.
The event was directed by Student Activities Director Tina Boyette and Holmes alumna Nikki Merchant served as Mistress of Ceremonies. The Holmes Connection! show choir, under the direction of Mike Yates, provided entertainment at intermission.
IN THIS PHOTO: Pictured are the Top Five: (left to right) Hallie Murtagh, Nicole Creel, Most Beautiful Georgia Watkins, Anna Franklin and Josie Harris.