Whittington now District Director of Career-Technical Education
Director of Career-Technical Education (CTE) at the Ridgeland Campus Amy Whittington has been promoted to District Director of Career-Technical Education. In addition to her new role, she will continue her duties as director of CTE for the Ridgeland Campus specifically.
"Working at Holmes has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life," Whittington said. "I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the Holmes family and continue to look for ways to better serve our students.
The CTE programs lead to an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree, Advanced Technical Certificate, Technical Certificate or a Career Certificate. Some of the Career/Technical programs at Holmes also offer transferability to baccalaureate programs. Holmes currently offers 21 CTE programs across the district.
A 2000 Holmes alumna, Whittington was an Ambassador a Phi Theta Kappa officer. After she completed her associate's degree, she earned her bachelor's and master's degrees in business administration from Delta State University. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate, working on her dissertation to finish a degree in Community College Leadership from Mississippi State University. Additionally, Whittington is a 2015 graduate of the Mississippi Community College Leadership Academy.
Whittington became CTE director for Ridgeland in July of 2013. Prior to taking the position, she served as an instructor in the Holmes Business Office Technology and Business Administration departments. Preceding her days as a Holmes employee, she worked as an accountant for Delta State and as an accountant for Ivey Mechanical Company.
Whittington and her husband, Frank, have two children: their son, Ian, and daughter, Ava. They are active members of Broadmoor Baptist Church in Madison.
For more information on the Holmes CTE programs, contact Whittington at (662) 472-9121 or awhittington@holmescc.edu. Save