Yazoo Center offering fall community courses The Holmes Yazoo Center is offering Success Skills I and Residential Wiring this fall.
The Holmes Community College Yazoo County Educational Center is offering community classes this fall. Two of the courses – Success Skills I and Residential Wiring – still have spots available for those who are interested.
Success Skills I is an 8-week, 16-hour course that focuses on a wide variety of topics geared to enhance interviewing, resume building, communication, basic computer skills, file management, internet browsing, first impressions and job searching. Taught by Cheryl Turner and Kaneilia Williams, this course will run from Oct. 4- Nov. 29, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursdays. The free course is limited to 21 participants.
Residential Wiring is an 8-week, 32-hour course that will cover all aspects of home wiring including simple receptacle and switch installation, conductors, circuit planning and more complex installation such as service panels, grounding and service drops with hands-on circuit installation and device wiring. This course will from Oct. 9-Dec. 6, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursdays. This course, taught by John McCool, is also free and limited to 15 students.
Both courses will be held at the Yazoo Center, located at 637 E. 15th Street in Yazoo City.
For more information about the courses and to register, contact Mandy Burrell at mburrell@holmescc.edu. More information can also be found at via Holmes CC Workforce Development.