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Ridgeland Campus holds PN Pinning Ceremony

Ridgeland Campus holds PN Pinning Ceremony

Pictured is the Holmes Ridgeland Campus Practical Nursing Class of 2020 with (front, left) instructor Heather Roberts and (front, right) instructor Dr. Lakesia Sutton. They are (second row, left to right) Asia Sandifer, Linda Knight-Naylor, Brittany Little, Katherine Filippou, (third row, left to right) Maxen Oethello, Erica Dotson, Karley Trim, Danielle Floyd, Carmen Harper, (fourth row, left to right) Morgan Allen, Jerissa O'Banner, Raven Carter, Diamond McCallum, (back row, left to right) Christina Rushing and Melissa Keese. The Holmes Community College Ridgeland Campus held a Pinning Ceremony for the graduating Practical Nursing (PN) Class of 2020 on June 24 in the McGowan Workforce Training Center Auditorium. Fifteen students were honored during the ceremony.

The Class of 2020 included: Morgan Allen of Columbia; Raven Carter of Vaughan; Erica Dotson of Clinton; Katherine Filippou of Madison; Danielle Floyd of Crystal Springs; Carmen Harper of Brandon; Karley Trim of Vicksburg; Melissa Keese of Pearl; Linda Knight-Naylorai of Jackson; Brittany Little of Brandon; Diamond McCallum of Pearl; Jerissa O'Banner of Itta Bena; Maxen Othello of Miami, Florida; Christina Rushing of Ridgeland and Asia Sandifer of Jackson.

Each graduate entered the auditorium with their family members to receive their diploma cover, pin and candle. PN instructor Dr. Lakesia Sutton read each graduate's name as Vice President of Career-Technical Education Dr. Amy Whittington presented certificates and PN instructor Heather Roberts presented the pins. The ceremony was filmed and will be added to a video that includes an invocation by Knight-Naylor, class treasurer; remarks by Little, class president; an address by Dr. Whittington and a benediction by Filippou, class secretary.

In addition to the recognition of the class officers, Dotson was recognized as class valedictorian for having the highest GPA and Sandifer as salutatorian for having the second highest.

For more information about the Practical Nursing program on the Ridgeland Campus, contact Dr. Sutton at (601) 605.3321 or or Roberts at (601) 605.3334 or

To see a gallery of pictures, go to Ridgeland PN Gallery.


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