Dormitory Move-in Dates and Times for Fall Semester 2023
(Assigned Students Only)
All dormitories on the Goodman Campus of Holmes Community College will officially open for students to begin staying overnight at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 13.
Residents will be allowed to move in their belongings only, according to the following schedule below:
Wednesday through Friday, Aug. 9-11, 2023 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Students must report to the Student Housing Office in the Lorance Student Center to pick up dorm IDs and room keys.
As a reminder, no students will be allowed to stay overnight until August 13th, beginning at 1 p.m., when all dorms officially open. Also, no students will be allowed to move in their belongings if not registered for at least 15 or more hours on the Goodman Campus.
Any out of state student athletes on scholarship, who may arrive on campus before Sunday the 13th, must request permission from their coaches and the Director of Student Housing prior to the dates listed above.
For more information about dorms, please contact Director of Student Housing Jason Kelly at rkelly@holmescc.edu or call (662) 472-9001.