Goodman Campus holds 2019 Honors Day Pictured are all of the awards recipients following the Holmes Community College Goodman Campus Honors Day held April 8 in Frank Branch Coliseum. They are (front row, left to right) Ebony Huntley, Josie White, Sydney Myers, Lake Shipp, Mary Morgan Stafford, Hayden Mitchell, Jazmin Gates, Makala Hutchison, Josie Harris, Hallie Westbrook, Albertina Veasley, (middle row, left to right) Alexis McBride, Chris Ball, Mason Harris, Noah Burrell, Loftin Price, Casey Cloninger, W.J. Myrick, Michael Hood, Nykeem Liddell, Chelsea Willhite, Victoria Williams, (back row, left to right) Paxton McHan, Christopher Nalls, Nathan Cagle, Tyler Sloan, James Swinney, Dalton Massingill and Jimmy Burse.
The Holmes Community College Goodman Campus recognized its students’ achievements and honors during the 2019 Honors Day Program held April 8 in Frank Branch Coliseum.
Representatives from each academic and career-technical program presented awards to students who have shown excellence in their given major, program or extracurricular activity. Other special awards were given, as well, in various categories.
Award presentations including recognition began with Goodman Campus Director Andy Wood recognizing the 2019 Goodman Campus Hall of Fame inductees. Hall of Fame is the highest honor a student can receive and recipients were voted on by faculty and staff based on academic achievement, campus involvement and community service. The inductees included: Lake Shipp, Mary Morgan Stafford, Alexis McBride, Tyler Sloan and Chris Nalls.
The Holmes Plus Awards went to Loftin Price and Tyler Sloan. Sloan also received the Phi Theta Kappa Award.
The Biological Science Award went to Makala Hutchison; the Architectural Engineering Award, Mason Harris; the Engineering Award, Sloan; the Wesley David Rule Mathematics Award, Loftin Price; and the Social and Behavioral Science Award, Ebony Huntley. The Business Administration Award went to Hallie Westbrook; the Elementary Education Award and the Literature Award to Stafford; the Health, Physical Education and Recreation Department Award to Jatavious Herron; the W.Y. Sudduth History Award and Political Science Award to Jimmy Burse; the Physical Science Award to James Swinney; the English Composition Award to Dalton Massingill; the Bill Watkins Visual Arts Award to Sydney Myers and the Student Government Award to McBride. Additionally, the Journalism Award went to Nykeem Liddell, and Hayden Mitchell received the Creative Writing Award.
Among the musically-talented students, Chris Ball received the Band Award; Josie Harris, the Choral Music Award; Josie White, the Music Major Award and Noah Burrell, the Percussion Groups Award.
In the career-technology and workforce programs, Victoria Williams received the Automotive Technology Award; Chelsea Willhite, the Business and Technology Award; Paxton McHan, Collision Repair Technology Award; Alyssa McLemore, Cosmetology Award; Albertina Veasley, Criminal Justice Award and Michael Hood, the Heating and Air Conditioning Technology Award. Additionally, Grayson Walker received the Industrial Technology Award; Jazmin Gates was named the Practical Nursing Award recipient and Nathan Cagle received the Welding Award.
Other special awards were given, as well. Huntley and W.J. Myrick received the Deans and Directors Award, which is bestowed upon a non-traditional student who has been out of school for a while and but has exceptional grades and has made an impact in the classroom.
Huntley was also the recipient of the Dr. Marilyn Burrell Memorial Award, which is given to a student with a strong academic record, leadership skills and campus involvement.
The Christine Herron Academic Achievement Award, given to a non-traditional student who is active in MOSAIC and shows academic excellence, was presented to Casey Cloninger.