The Alpha Mu Beta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa on the Grenada Campus at Holmes Community College has continued to grow their pantry project.
In the fall of 2019, The Woodmen Life Chapter 15 in Grenada donated $5,000 to help PTK Grenada get started on a project for the Grenada Campus to help address an issue of food insecurity on college campuses.
The Holmes Grenada Campus Phi Theta Kappa Adviser Cynthia Abel and Sherry Felker, treasurer for WoodmenLife Chapter 15, worked together with the Phi Theta Kappa members to provide a safe place where students would have the option to get something to eat if they are hungry.
The first phase of the project started immediately with the Grenada Phi Theta Kappa chapter members handing out Bulldog Bags, named after the school mascot.
“Hunger being a global issue that is very prevalent in our community, our Phi Theta Kappa chapter thought the food pantry would impact our 1,100 students in a positive way,” Abel said.
The Grenada Phi Theta Kappa chapter continues to offer the Bulldog Bags but it has expanded. Now the project has its own location on the Grenada Campus across from the Deli. Phi Theta Kappa is striving to stop hunger in the community.
“By helping to provide food, students can perform better, resulting in better grades and higher graduation rates — thus better job opportunities, thus stronger family units, thus the ability and opportunity, in turn, to give back to the community, making our country stronger,” Felker said.
The WoodmenLife Chapter 15 was awarded Outstanding Project of the Year for teaming up with the Grenada Phi Theta Kappa chapter to fulfill a need within the local community.