Holmes Community College recently announced members of the 2023 Homecoming Court.
The 2023 Holmes Homecoming Queen is Mary Patton Henderson of Kosciusko. Goodman Campus court members include Student Body Maid Cassidy Watkins of Madison, Sophomore Maid Summer Watkins of Madison, Sophomore Maid Audrey Ann Eldridge of Vaiden, Freshman Maid Brittlyn Danae Gillum of Kosciusko and Freshman Maid Jakya Ellis of Kosciusko.
Mary Patton Henderson is the daughter of Connie and Ricky Henderson. A graduate of Kosciusko High School, she is a marketing major at Holmes. Henderson is active on campus as a cheerleader and Phi Theta Kappa president. Off campus, she is a member of First Baptist Church of Kosciusko and works at Holt & Company in Kosciusko. In the spring of 2023, she was named a Scholar-Athlete. After Holmes, she plans to attend a university and continue pursuing her marketing degree.
Cassidy Watkins, daughter of Hollye and Mitch Watkins, is a graduate of Germantown High School. A pre-nursing major, she is a member of the Holmes cheerleading team. Watkins has a daughter, Paisley Grace Guthrie, and is a member of Broadmoor Baptist Church. After Holmes, she plans to attend the University of Mississippi Medical Center for forensic nursing and would love to work at the Mississippi crime lab one day.
Summer Watkins is also the daughter of Hollye and Mitch Watkins and a graduate of Germantown High School. She is a pre-nursing major and cheerleader for Holmes. She was named a Scholar-Athlete during the spring of 2023 semester. Upon finishing her prerequisites, she plans to enroll in the Holmes nursing program in Goodman.
Audrey Ann Eldridge, daughter of Tara and Adam Eldridge, is a graduate of Winona Christian School. She is a biological science/pre-nursing major who is very active on campus. Eldridge is an Ambassador, member of Phi Theta Kappa and a work-study student for the Chemistry Department. Off campus, she is a dance instructor at Hot Shotz Dance Company and an active member of New Salem Baptist Church. Upon graduation from Holmes, Eldridge plans to attend nursing school at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.
Brittlyn Danae Gillum, daughter of Bridgette Gillum and Zo Gillum, is a graduate of Kosciusko High School. A business administration major, she is active on campus as a Holmes cheerleader and member of Phi Theta Kappa. Outside of Holmes, Gillum is a member of the National Council of Negro Women and involved with the youth ministry at Guiding Light Church of God in Christ. In her free time, she enjoys braiding and styling hair, taking gymnastics and stunting classes, helping others and participating in community service events. Upon graduation from Holmes, Gillum plans to transfer to Jackson State University to pursue a degree in business administration with an emphasis in finance and management. She would like to become a financial manager, and also plans to obtain her cosmetology license and open her own shop one day.
Jakya Ellis, daughter of Moneke and Jamie Ellis, is a graduate of Kosciusko High School. She is a business major who is active on campus as part of the choir and The Holmes Connection! After Holmes, Ellis plans to transfer to Escoffier Culinary School to pursue her dream of becoming a private chef.
The queen and her court will be presented during halftime of the Bulldogs’ Homecoming Game against Northwest Mississippi Community College on Thursday, Oct. 26, in Goodman. Kickoff is scheduled for 3 p.m.
For more information about Homecoming, contact Alumni Coordinator Katherine Ellard at (662) 472-9134 or kellard@holmescc.edu.
IN THIS PHOTO: Pictured are the Goodman Campus Homecoming Maids (left to right) Freshman Maid Jakya Ellis of Kosciusko, Sophomore Maid Summer Watkins of Madison, Homecoming Queen Mary Patton Henderson of Kosciusko, Student Body Maid Cassidy Watkins of Madison, Sophomore Maid Audrey Eldridge of Vaiden and Freshman Maid Brittlyn Gillum of Kosciusko.