Holmes offers News Writing, Reporting Fall '17
Beginning in the fall of 2017, Holmes Community College will offer a three-hour journalism class for the first time in the institution's history. The class, JOU 1313 – News Writing and Reporting I, is an introductory journalism course designed to teach news writing and reporting. Upon completion of this class, students will be able to understand reporting and fact-gathering, utilize various interviewing methods, construct a basic news article, implement source and fact-checking and understand/implement online reporting. For now, JOU 1313 will only be offered as an online course.
"This course provides a good foundation in basic journalistic writing/interview skills that will aid students as they progress to higher level journalism/communication classes," said Mary Margaret Busby, Holmes journalism instructor and public relations specialist. "Although it is ideal for students with an interest in journalism, public relations or communications, students from any major can benefit from the writing and interview skills learned and practiced in this class."
In addition to adding a new journalism class, Holmes also raised the credit hours for the Growl student newspaper/HCC Grid blog staff. Those who enroll in College Publications I-IV Growl&Grid (JOU 1112, 1122, 2112 or 2122, respectively) will now earn two credit hours for taking the course and serving on the staff. This course gives students a place to gain practical experience in working with college newspaper/blog production. Staff members learn journalistic writing and interview skills, and practice news, feature and editorial writing, make-up and layout, editing and photography. Students also provide and upload the editorial and news content for the new Holmes blog, the HCC Grid (http://blog.holmescc.edu/), which won first place at the 2017 College Public Relations Association of Mississippi (CPRAM) Awards Competition.
Additionally, students still have the opportunity to be a part of the Horizons yearbook staff, College Publications I-IV YEARBOOK (JOU 1111, 1121, 2111 or 2121). The yearbook staff offers students an opportunity to work in yearbook production, which includes photography, news and feature writing, make-up and layout, graphic design and editing. Participants earn one credit hour for the yearbook staff.
Holmes students from any major may take News Writing and Reporting I and participate on both the Growl/Grid and Horizons staffs through the College Publications courses.
For more information on Holmes journalism courses, contact Busby at mbusby@holmescc.edu or (601) 605-3376.
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