Ridgeland EMS program graduates Class of 2016
The Ridgeland Campus of Holmes Community College held a Graduation Ceremony for the Emergency Medical Sciences (EMS) Class of 2016 on July 26 in the D.P. McGowan Workforce Training Center.
Graduates included: James T. Barlow of Vicksburg, Daniel Blake Barnette of Flowood, James N. Bullard of Byram, Elicia Farmer of Richland, Jessica Brooke Fortin of Brandon, Richard Mark Greenwood of Brandon, Frederick Dion Harris of Vicksburg, Karl Kolb of Vicksburg, John William Ledbetter of Canton, William Michael Long of Pearl, Aaron C. Lowther of Brandon, Joseph Scott McLemore of Canton, Christian Leigh-Ann Mixon of Vicksburg, Amanda Marie Phillips of Brandon, Joshua O. Scott of Pearl, Lacrecia S. Singleton of Flora, Morgan Duran Sistrunk of Byram, James Brent Thomas of Bentonia, and Benjamin Keith West of Madison.
The ceremony began with a welcome and introduction of faculty and administration by Mark Galtelli, program director for the EMS Department. In addition to the presentation and recognition of the 19 graduates, U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) MSgt. Stephen Patrick Roberts addressed the new EMS grads and the audience.
The EMS program at Holmes prepares students for a variety of roles in the field of emergency medicine. Courses are offered on the campuses in Ridgeland, Grenada, and Kosciusko, and students who complete the one-semester EMS Basic Course and receive licensure are prepared for direct patient care and serve as the support personnel as well as operate the ambulance. EMS students also end up working in emergency departments, fire departments, and physicians' offices. Current licensure as an EMT Basic often provides points toward selection for entry into other allied health programs, as well.
A new paramedic program begins annually on each campus and meets three nights per week for three semesters. Successful completion of the course leads to a certificate or an AAS degree. Paramedics provide direct patient care covering a broad range of injuries and illness. Experienced paramedics may be eligible to enter the Critical Care Paramedic program, a program designed and first implemented by the EMS staff at Holmes. The required courses are offered in a two-semester format on the Ridgeland Campus. Successful completion of the coursework leads to an AAS degree. Critical Care Paramedics are prepared for a career in critical care transport.
For more information on the Holmes EMS program, contact Mark Galtelli at mgaltelli@holmescc.edu or (601) 605-3331.
Pictured is the Holmes Community College Ridgeland Campus Emergency Medical Science Class of 2016 during their graduation on July 26. Save