Attala Ed Center offers variety of new classes Holmes Community College Attala Educational Center is excited to announce the addition of new (non-credit) community course offerings for the fall of 2015 and spring of 2016. The Center is offering Basic Photography, Conversational Spanish, Customer Service Training, a "Know Your Cell Phone" training course, a "Don't Let Your Smartphone Be Smarter than You" course, and 10 Exceptional Team Leadership workshops.
The Customer Service Training workshop will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 15, from 8:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. The four-hour course, led by Chaka Turner, cost $25. Participants will learn core skills all employees should have for company and career success, including exceptional customer service skills, business etiquette, active listening skills, problem-solving skills, and handling irate situations.
The Basic Photography course will be offered on Thursdays from Oct. 8 – Nov. 12. The class, led by James Phillips, cost $50 and requires participants to bring their own cameras.
The Conversational Spanish course will be offered on Tuesday nights from 6 – 8 p.m., Oct. 13 – Nov. 17. The course, which cost $50, will be taught by Rachel Hawkins. The cost includes the course textbook.
The purpose of this class is to give participants an immediate ability to speak in Spanish. Participants will learn quickly in an engaging classroom atmosphere. The class will begin by covering the alphabet, pronunciation, key questions, and basic words to describe the home. Participants will also learn colors, money, numbers, days of the week, common greetings, time, directions, traffic signs, menus, and transportation, among other topics. For this class, it is imperative that participants attend all sessions.
The "Know Your Cell Phone" workshop will be held on Tuesday mornings from 8 – 9:30 a.m., Oct. 27 – Dec. 1. The course, facilitated by Bess Armstrong, cost $25, and seeks to teach each student the basic features of his or her own cell phone.
Objectives of the course include learning how to: power on and off the phone, send and end calls, call 911 with one number, save contacts, program speed dial numbers, turn the volume up and down, properly charge the phone, change the screen color resolution, lock the phone, and take and send pictures with the phone.
The "Don't Let Your Smartphone Be Smarter than You" course will be held on Thursday evenings from 6 – 7:30 p.m., Oct. 29 – Dec. 3. This course is also led by Bess Armstrong and cost $25. The goal of this class is to teach each student how to utilize all the benefits available when operating their smartphone. In this workshop, participants learn how to: set up email, send and receive email, surf the Web, send and receive text messages, save pictures, print pictures, download applications, take and send videos, add additional phone numbers to specific contacts, create a calendar, set reminders.
The Exceptional Team Leadership workshops, led by Michael J. Harbaugh, are based on the Center for Continuous Improvement's (CCI) nationally recognized leadership development process that has yielded measurable positive results in more than 110 different industries over the past 30+ years. Each workshop will last from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
The dates are as follows: Workshop 1 – What is Successful Team Leadership?, Oct. 22, $50 fee; Workshop 2 – Preparing Yourself For Team Leadership Success, Nov. 19, $50 fee; Workshop 3 – Lead Others? First Lead Yourself, Dec. 3, $50 fee; Workshop 4 – Goal Setting For Success, Jan. 14, $50 fee; Workshop 5 – Making the Most of Your Time, Jan. 28, $50 fee; Workshop 6 – Motivation and Confidence, Feb. 11, $50; Workshop 7 – Building A Successful Team, Feb. 25, $50; Workshop 8 – Creating and Sustaining Top Performance, March 24, $50; Workshop 9 – Employee Evaluation And Discipline, April 7, $25 fee, and Workshop 10 – Making Decisions and Solving Problems, April 21, $25 fee.
Truck Driving and Workforce Welding classes will begin in the spring of 2016.
For more information about the workforce training workshops, contact Workforce Coordinator/WIOA Director Earline Russell-Smith at (662) 472-9105 or esmith@holmescc.edu.