Casey Johnson comes to us from Kosciusko to join our English Faculty. She previously taught at Ethel High School for 11 years. Johnson studied for one year at Holmes Community College before transferring to Ole Miss where she earned her…

Jada Glenn of Grenada was recently named The Administrative Assistant for Career Technical Education on the Grenada Campus. Prior to her role at Holmes, Glenn worked for First Metropolitan Financial Services, Inc. She is a 2016 graduate of Abeka Academy. …

The Holmes Community College Grenada Campus held a pinning ceremony for the Surgical Technology Class of 2024 on June 26 in the Corey Forum. Six students were honored. The graduating class included Abigail Byars, Kathryn Caruthers, Hannah Latham, Brittany Lee, Ashton Martin…

Taylor Rodgers of Duck Hill joined the staff at the Grenada Campus Library as its newest technical assistant. He is a graduate of Kirk Academy and holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from the University of Mississippi. Prior to Holmes, Rodgers worked…

Wendy V. Jones joins the Holmes Community College family as a campus police on the Grenada Campus.
Jones holds a Master of Science in special education from Grand Canyon University, a Bachelor of Science in criminal justice from Mississippi Valley State University…

Britney Jones has been named the Grenada Campus Financial Aid Advisor and Business Office Representative.
Jones holds an Associate of Arts in elementary education from Holmes Community College and is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Science in education from Mississippi State University.
Jones first…

Holmes Community College English and Foreign Language Division Chair Amber Mabus recently earned her Doctor of Arts (D.A.) in English Pedagogy with an emphasis in writing pedagogy from Murray State University in Kentucky. Dr. Mabus's capstone project was titled "Teaching Community College…

Amy Land, a Holmes Community College English and Education instructor and Writing Center director on the Grenada Campus, recently earned her Doctor of Education (Ed.D) with an emphasis in higher education from Delta State University. Dr. Land’s dissertation was titled, "Analyzing Patterns…