English instructors to host book discussion of 'Dispatches from Pluto'
This spring, Holmes Community College is hosting a series, "Exploring the Mississippi Delta," on the Ridgeland Campus to celebrate the Delta's rich heritage. The central text for the series is "Dispatches from Pluto: Lost and Found in the Mississippi Delta" by Richard Grant. English instructors Dr. Andrew Kelly and Arnetra Pleas will lead a book discussion of "Dispatches from Pluto" on Thursday, March 22, at 12:30 pm. in the D.P. "Pat" McGowan Workforce Training Center. This event is free and open to the public.
The English Composition II students of Pleas, Dr. Stacey Coulter and Mary Brantley are reading, discussing and writing about Grant's New York Times bestselling book. A British citizen, Grant offers a look at the Delta by an adventurous travel writer who braved mosquitoes, humidity, snakes and southern drawling natives to hold a mirror up to readers of a world both familiar and perplexing.
As the culmination of the "Exploring the Mississippi Delta" series, Grant will come and make a presentation on Tuesday, April 10 at 12:30 p.m. in the McGowan Center. His lecture on his book, "Dispatches from Pluto," is a project sponsored by a grant from the Mississippi Humanities Council and will be free and open to the public.
The first event in the series was a performance/presentation by Tricia Walker, Grammy award winning songwriter and director of the Delta Institute of Music at Delta State University, on Feb. 26. Holmes art instructor Kris Wilson will also present a Spring Art Show, "The Landscape of the Mississippi Delta," with works from Holmes art students. The date and location for the art show will be announced soon.
For more information on the series, contact Mary Brantley at (601) 605.3319 or mbrantley@holmescc.edu.
IN THIS PHOTO: Holmes students (left) Joshua Jackson and (right) April Valentine stop for a photo with Tricia Walker following the first "Exploring the Mississippi Delta" series event. Valentine won the book, "Dispatches from Pluto: Lost and Found in the Mississippi Delta," in a drawing, and will be in attendance for the book discussion on Thursday, March 22, at 12:30 pm. in the McGowan Workforce Training Center.