On-campus registration begins for second summer, fall terms
Holmes Community College began registration for the summer and fall terms at every location on April 4. Students may be advised and receive Alternate PINs to register via the Internet through Enroll Now! link on Holmes' website http://www.holmescc.edu/.
Although students may register online at any time, district on-campus registration dates for those who need assistance are as follows: Goodman Campus: June 22 for Second Summer and Fall Terms, noon-3 p.m., and Aug. 9 for the Fall Term, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Grenada Campus: June 23 for Second Summer and Fall Terms, noon-3 p.m., and Aug. 11 for the Fall Term, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Ridgeland Campus: June 21 for Second Summer and Fall Terms, noon-3 p.m., and Aug. 10 for the Fall Term, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Yazoo Center: June 22 for Second Summer and Fall Terms, 4-6 p.m., and Aug. 11 for the Fall Term, 4-6 p.m. Attala Center: June 23 for Second Summer and Fall Terms, 4-6 p.m., and Aug. 10 for the Fall Term, 4-6 p.m. Wood Institute: Aug. 9 for the Fall Term, 4-6 p.m.
The college offers transferable academic courses, the Associate in Arts degree, the Associate in Applied Science degree, technical certificates and career certificates, as well as workforce training. Holmes offers several campus locations, including the Goodman Campus, the Grenada Campus, the Ridgeland Campus, they Yazoo Center in Yazoo City, the Attala Center in Kosciusko, and the Wood Institute in Mathiston.
Classes are offered in various formats, including: face-to-face (on campus day and evening), hybrid (online convenience + face-to-face), eLearning (online via the Internet), 8-week Short Term, 4-week Short Term and Accelerated (10 and 15 days). Holmes also offers COMPASS Placement Testing.
On-campus classes begin June 29 for Summer Second Term Evening; June 30 for Summer Second Term Day; Aug. 15 for Fall First 8-Week Term and Full Term Day & Evening, and Oct. 11 for Fall Second 8-Week Term.
The eLearning (online) classes begin June 27 for Summer Second Term; Aug. 22 for Fall First 8-Week and Full Term; Sept. 19 for Fall Second 4-Week Term; Oct. 17 for Fall Second 8-Week Term, and Nov. 14 for Fall Fourth 4-Week Term.
Students wanting to register for eLearning classes may register via the Internet by clicking on ENROLL NOW or may register at the campuses in Goodman, Grenada, or Ridgeland. Save