Beginning with the Fall 2016 term, students across the state must enroll in and complete 15 credit hours per semester to maintain eligibility for state aid for programs that require full-time enrollment. This new “Take-15″eligibility requirement applies to undergraduate students throughout the…
JK’s Catering is now open to faculty, staff, and students on the Ridgeland Campus for breakfast and lunch. The facility, serving a variety of items, from full meals to snacks, will serve the campus from 7 a.m.-2 p.m.
The Ridgeland Campus of Holmes Community College held a Pinning Ceremony for the surgical technology Class of 2016 on June 30 at Madison United Methodist Church. Seven students were honored.
The Ridgeland Campus of Holmes Community College held a Pinning Ceremony for the graduating Practical Nursing Class of 2016 on June 17 at First Baptist Church of Ridgeland. Nine women were honored during the ceremony.
Holmes Community College began registration for the summer and fall terms at every location on April 4. Students may be advised and receive Alternate PINs to register via the Internet through Enroll Now! link on Holmes’ website Students may also attend…
With 200 surveillance cameras now installed on the Goodman Campus with 24/7 monitoring, campus safety has improved dramatically since the completion of the spring semester, according to Goodman Campus Police Chief Tony McDaniel.
Taylor Bishop of Sallis, an alumnus of Holmes Community College, recently joined the staff at BorgWarner, Inc., as an engineering intern. BorgWarner is a global product leader in powertrain solutions that focuses on engine optimization and transmission and all-wheel drive technology. The…
Five members of the Holmes Community College Magnolia GOLD (Guard Officer Leadership Development) program recently participated in the two-week Annual Mississippi Magnolia GOLD Program at the Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center. Percival Field of Madison, Jasmine Gibson of Lexington, Johnell Hartley…
Jessica Goins Elliott of Grenada, Holmes Community College surgical technology program director/instructor, was elected to the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST) National Board of Directors during the AST conference held in San Diego, California, May 31- June 4.
The Holmes Community College Attala Educational Center is excited to announce the addition of new course offerings for the summer of 2016. Located on West Jefferson Street in Kosciusko, the state-of-the-art facility will continue to serve the community through academic, workforce and…