Holmes Community College Goodman Campus English Instructor Jessica Brown was the recent recipient of the prestigious Ovid Vickers Award for Excellence in Teaching, awarded to an English instructor who has demonstrated excellence in the classroom.
The 47 Holmes Community College Ridgeland Campus freshmen Associate Degree Nursing (AND) students participated in the 17th Annual St. Dominic Senior Wellness Fest on Sept. 22.
Kathryn Erickson, sales engineering manager at DataStax, spoke to Dr. Santosh Parakkal’s class in Science Building East Thursday, Sept. 17 about what to expect before and after graduation.
The Alpha Lambda Sigma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) at Holmes Community College in Ridgeland inducted 17 new members into the honor society for two-year college students on Sept. 14 in the McGowan Workforce Training Center.
The Holmes Community College Goodman Campus will hold an Electrical Lineman Program information meeting for those interested in being a part of the spring cohort on Thursday, Oct. 1, at 5 p.m. in the Science and Mathematics Building auditorium.