Holmes Community College Ridgeland Campus’ Blair Booker, branch librarian for Adcock Library, recently received the 2015 Mississippi Library Association (MLA) Past President’s Award.
Holmes Community College’s Dr. Stacey Coulter, English instructor on the Ridgeland Campus, and Taylor Adcock of Sallis, a sophomore pre-pharmacy student on the Goodman Campus, were among 68 outstanding faculty and students from 34 Mississippi public and private universities and colleges chosen…
Dr. Troy Milliken took several Holmes Community College science majors from the Ridgeland Campus to visit the Polymer Science and Engineering program at The University of Southern Mississippi on Friday, Oct 30.
Holmes Community College held voter registration drives on all three of the main campuses during the month of September, encouraging students to vote in the Nov. 3 elections.
Holmes Community College was recently awarded Best College, Best Place to Work, and Holmes instructor Katrina Myricks was named Best Teacher in the 2015 Clarion Ledger Best of the Best contest.
On October 13, several Holmes Community College Ridgeland Campus students, along with African American Literature Instructor Arnetra Pleas and English Instructor Mary Brantley, had the opportunity to hear Dr. Henry Louis Gates speak at the historic Galloway United Methodist Church in downtown…
The Holmes Community College Lady Bulldogs soccer team is excited to announce that Ridgeland High School (RHS) athletic standout Britain Welzien has committed to the team for 2016-2017.
Holmes Community College is continuously doing its part to stay up-to-date with any measures necessary to ensure campus safety for its students, faculty and staff.