Lily Kate Saxton of Benton was crowned Most Beautiful during the 2019 Parade of Beauties pageant held Feb. 26 in the Fine Arts Auditorium on the Goodman Campus.
The Holmes Community College Alpha Mu Beta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, housed on the Grenada Campus, inducted 25 new members into the honor society on Tuesday in the Corey Forum on the Grenada Campus.
Holmes Community College administrative assistant Elizabeth Shelby completed the Paralegal Technology program at Holmes and passed the Accredited Legal Professional Exam given by the National Association of Legal Professionals. Shelby, who works in admissions and financial aid on the Ridgeland Campus, plans…
All locations of Holmes Community College will be closed Tuesday, Jan. 29, due to the threat of inclement weather. Day and evening classes will not meet.
Recent Holmes Community College alumna Sykina Butts of Kilmichael landed a research assistant position with the University of Utah’s Applied Cognition Lab for the summer of 2019. As a research assistant, she will assist cognitive psychologists Dr. Joel Cooper and David Strayer…
Jay Wilson, a history instructor on the Grenada Campus, was selected as the 2018-2019 Holmes Community College Humanities Teacher of the Year. He will deliver his scholarly presentation, “Mississippi’s Monumental Men: Jefferson Davis and J. Z. George,” on Thursday, Feb. 21 at…
Academic and technical students with exemplary quality point averages are recognized at the end of the fall and spring semesters by being named to the President’s or Dean’s list. To be eligible for such recognition a student must be enrolled in at…
Lisa Anglin, a mathematics instructor, and Hallie Westbrook of Pickens, an architectural engineering and accounting student, have been named Holmes Community College’s honorees for the Legislature’s HEADWAE (Higher Education Appreciation Day – Working for Academic Excellence) program for 2019.
Holmes Community College partnered with Ingalls Shipbuilding in the fall for a 14-week shipfitting class at the Attala Center in Kosciusko. The class finished last week, and after Ingalls’ representatives administered one final test, all class members were offered jobs and began…